Problem :
2. Prepare the backup for Restore
3.Restore and Configure the Replication
We are running 5 node percona cluster on Ubuntu 16.04, and its configured with master-slave replication. Suddenly we got an alert for replica broken from slave server, which was earlier configured with normal replication
We have tried to sync the data and configure the replication, unable to fix that immediately due to huge transactions and GTID enabled servers. So we have decided to follow with innobackupex tool, and problem fixed in 2 hours
Followed all the steps from percona doc and shared the experience in my environment
Steps involving to repair the broken Replication :
1.Backup master server
2.Prepare the backup
3.Restore and Configure the Replication
4Check Replication Status
1.Backup master server
We need to configure the complete master server database into a slave. So we are taking a full backup from the master server, before proceeding the backup we should check disk space available for the backup because of its system-level backup
We have created a specific user for taking a backup from master server, once the backup is completed will get OK like below,
2. Prepare the backup for Restore
We need to prepare the backups to apply the transaction logs into data files, once it is OK, data files are ready to restore
Before moving the prepared files into slave server, verify the GTID information from xtrabackup_binlog_info
3.Restore and Configure the Replication
We can restore the backup else to create a new data directory and move the files into the directory. Stop mysql service before start restoring
Default it will restore the data related files in server datadir , using the server my.cnf configuration file .Once changed the data directory, we need to change the owner and permission of the MySQL data directory
innobackupex --copy-dir /mnt/2019-11-26_09-35-31
Default it will restore the data related files in server datadir , using the server my.cnf configuration file .Once changed the data directory, we need to change the owner and permission of the MySQL data directory
chown mysql:mysql /mnt/mysqldatanew
And restart the service with a new data directory, once its started login with master MySQL root user password. Because we have taken file backup from the master so metadata will be the same of master
Execute below commands to configure the replication
4. Check Replication StatusOnce slave is configured, verify the replication status as below
Also, Slave has retrieved a new transaction
Thanks for Reading !!!