
Sunday, August 28, 2022

How to tune long running Queries on Azure Synapse DW (Dedicated Pool) - Part 1

Three hours of long running pipeline is reduced to run in 35 Minutes when we given right kind of top bottom optimization like our Body !!! Yes Sometimes if we give proper core and cross workouts you can run 10km in 55 Minutes !!! Its happened to me But Not Now 😆😆😆 Oh Oh we are away...

Thursday, August 11, 2022

SQL Server Point in Time Recovery

 Oooooouch !!! I have deleted critical data in the ledger table !!!When we ran delete or drop Script on any database without double check , Its Really big problem for the end users !!! Also you wont sleep 😁😁😁If you have GODDBA , you are saved millions dollars of your data also your valuable customers . Oh Great 😀😀😀 How we can achieve that ? In SQL Server Multiple Database...

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

MongoDB 4.4.13 : Here to SRV you with easier replica set connections

We love MongoDB for extraordinary features as per business perspective Lets come to our Blog Discussion , Only in PaaS Environments we have features like DNS endpoints for database easily connect with primary or secondary at any single point of failure Mongo Atlas Providing all the features...

Friday, March 18, 2022

Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) : Upgrade ORDS from 5.1.4 to 19.4

 We have upgraded Oracle Apex in the previous blog and next have to plan for below things Apex static images update for upgraded versionORDS Upgrade to stable version Prerequisites Downloads the upgraded apex version in oracle RDS ( Apex 21.1.2 )

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

SQL Server Always On availability group cluster in the AWS Cloud

Microsoft gives HA features like a charm . Lower to higher deployment costs its giving many features as per business requirements . Replication , Mirroring , Log shipping and Always On many features available to build HA Setup in On Premises . Like wise , we can setup all the above features...